A Little Princess
Set against the backdrop of World War I, this enchanting film follows a young girl named Sara Crewe, who is sent to a boarding school in New York while her father goes off to war. Despite facing adversity and the harsh treatment of the school’s headmistress, Sara’s imagination and kindness help her maintain her spirit and inspire those around her. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón, the movie is noted for its lush cinematography and heartfelt storytelling. The film stars Liesel Matthews in the lead role and was nominated for two Academy Awards, showcasing its critical acclaim. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Drama, Family, Fantasy, Kids
Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Actors: Camilla Belle, Eleanor Bron, Kelsey Mulrooney, Lauren Blumenfeld, Liam Cunningham, Liesel Matthews, Rachael Bella, Rusty Schwimmer, Vanessa Lee Chester, Vincent Schiavelli
Country: United States of America
Company: Baltimore Pictures, Mark Johnson Productions, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $10,015,449