A Man and A Woman
In this poignant South Korean drama directed by Yoon-ki Lee, two strangers, played by stars Jeon Do-yeon and Gong Yoo, meet in snowy Finland and form an unexpected connection. Both are married and dealing with personal struggles, which adds complexity to their burgeoning relationship. The film explores themes of love, loneliness, and the choices that define our lives. While it did not receive major awards, it is noted for its beautiful cinematography and the compelling performances of its lead actors. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Yoon-ki Lee
Actors: Gong Yoo, Jeon Do-yeon, Jeon Ik-ryoung, Jung Sun-kyung, Kim Hye-ok, Lee Ru-ahn, Min Moo-je, Park Byung-eun, Park Min-ji, Yoon Se-a, Yoon Se-ah
Country: South Korea
Worldwide Gross: $1,419,313