A Merry Christmas Match
In this heartwarming holiday film, Corey, a young woman working in her small town’s antique shop, finds her life taking an unexpected turn when she meets Ryder, a charming and successful Los Angeles businessman. As they spend time together, Corey begins to question her current path and whether she should pursue her long-held dreams. The movie stars Ashley Newbrough and Kyle Dean Massey, who bring a delightful chemistry to their roles. Directed by Jake Helgren, this festive romance explores themes of self-discovery and the magic of Christmas. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Jake Helgren
Actors: Alice Hunter, Ashley Fink, Ashley Newbrough, Courtney Hope, John DeLuca, Kathleen Kinmont, Kyle Dean Massey, Lindsey Gort, Spencer Squire, Stepfanie Kramer
Country: United States of America
Company: Gaumont, Hallmark Channel, The Ninth House