A Perfect Enemy
In this psychological thriller directed by Kike Maíllo, a successful architect finds his life unraveling during a chance encounter with a mysterious young woman at an airport. As their conversation deepens, dark secrets and unsettling truths begin to surface, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. The film stars Tomasz Kot and Athena Strates, whose performances add depth to the tense narrative. While it hasn’t received any major awards, the movie’s intriguing plot and atmospheric tension have garnered attention. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Kike Maíllo
Actors: Athena Strates, Dominique Pinon, Felizia Trube, Freyja Simpson, Götz Vogel von Vogelstein, Julian Helmes, Marta Nieto, Nerea Jordana, Sebastian Ghandchi, Tomasz Kot
Country: France, Germany, Spain
Company: Barry Films, ESCAC Films, Hessen-Invest Film
Worldwide Gross: $7,113