A Separation
A compelling Iranian drama directed by Asghar Farhadi, this film intricately explores the complexities of family, justice, and societal expectations. The story revolves around a couple facing a difficult decision about their future, which spirals into a series of events affecting multiple families. The film features powerful performances by Peyman Moaadi and Leila Hatami, capturing the emotional depth of their characters. It received critical acclaim and won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 21
Genre: Drama, Top250Movies
Director: Asghar Farhadi
Actors: Ali-Asghar Shahbazi, Babak Karimi, Kimia Hosseini, Leila Hatami, Merila Zarei, Payman Maadi, Sare Bayat, Sareh Bayat, Sarina Farhadi, Shahab Hosseini, Shirin Yazdanbakhsh
Country: Australia, France, Iran
Company: Asghar Farhadi Productions, Dreamlab Films, MPA APSA Academy Film Fund
Worldwide Gross: $22,926,076