A Single Man
Set in 1962 Los Angeles, this film follows a day in the life of George Falconer, a British college professor grappling with the sudden loss of his partner. As he navigates his grief, George encounters various people who impact his perspective on life, including his close friend Charley and a student named Kenny. The movie stars Colin Firth, who delivers a poignant performance, and Julianne Moore. Directed by Tom Ford, it received critical acclaim, with Firth earning an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Tom Ford
Actors: Aaron Sanders, Adam Shapiro, Alicia Carr, Aline Weber, Colin Firth, Elisabeth Harnois, Erin Daniels, Ginnifer Goodwin, Jenna Gavigan, Jon Hamm, Jon Kortajarena, Julianne Moore, Keri Lynn Pratt, Lee Pace, Marlene Martinez, Matthew Goode, Nicholas Hoult, Nicole Steinwedell, Paul Butler, Paulette Lamori, Ridge Canipe, Ryan Simpkins, Teddy Sears, Tricia Munford
Country: United States of America
Company: Artina Films, Bluebush Productions, Depth of Field, Fade to Black Productions
Worldwide Gross: $24,964,890