A Small Fortune
Kevin, portrayed by Stephen Oates, is an Irish Moss farmer who clings to his traditional lifestyle, even if it means sacrificing a more prosperous future for himself and his expectant wife, played by Liane Balaban. When he stumbles upon a bag of cash that has washed ashore on Prince Edward Island, his choice to keep it hidden transforms his peaceful fishing village into a burgeoning crime scene as the rightful owners of the money come searching. “A Small Fortune” explores one man’s battle to support his family and the realization that clinging to the past may not be worth it, as he learns that wealth isn’t everything. This film is an adaptation of Adam Perry’s acclaimed short film, “A Blessing from the Sea.”
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Director: Adam Perry
Actors: Andrea Bang, Joel Thomas Hynes, Liane Balaban, Matt Cooke, Stephen Oates
Country: Canada
Company: levelFILM, Téléfilm Canada