A Special Lady
In this South Korean crime thriller, a woman named Hyun-jung, played by Kim Hye-soo, navigates the treacherous world of organized crime as she seeks to protect her son and secure a better future for him. The film delves into themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the struggle for power within a male-dominated underworld. Lee Sun-kyun co-stars, adding depth to the intense narrative with his compelling performance. Directed by Lee An-kyu, the movie offers a gripping storyline with strong character development. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Lee An-kyu
Actors: Choi Moo-seong, Choi Moo-sung, Geum Gwang-san, Guk Joong-woong, Ji Eun-seo, Kim Hye-soo, Kim Min-seok, Kim So-suk, Lee Hee-jun, Lee Hyun-geol, Lee Hyun-gul, Lee Sun-kyun, Oh Ha-nee
Country: South Korea
Worldwide Gross: $1,710,852