A Talking Cat!?!
In this whimsical family film, a talking cat named Duffy, voiced by Eric Roberts, mysteriously enters the lives of two families, helping them navigate their personal challenges and misunderstandings. The story unfolds as Duffy uses his limited ability to speak to guide the characters toward self-discovery and reconciliation. Directed by David DeCoteau, the movie is known for its lighthearted and quirky approach, making it a unique addition to the family genre. Interestingly, the film has gained a cult following for its charmingly low-budget production and is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: David DeCoteau
Actors: Alison Sieke, Daniel Dannas, Eric Roberts, Janis Peebles, Johnny Whitaker, Justin Cone, Kristine DeBell
Country: United States of America
Company: Rapid Heart Pictures