A Very Murray Christmas
In this festive musical comedy special, Bill Murray finds himself hosting a holiday show amidst a snowstorm in New York City, which threatens to derail the entire production. As the night unfolds, a series of celebrity guests, including George Clooney, Miley Cyrus, and Chris Rock, make appearances, adding to the charm and chaos of the evening. Directed by Sofia Coppola, the film captures a whimsical blend of humor and holiday spirit. While it didn’t receive major awards, it is noted for its unique take on the traditional Christmas special. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Holiday Comedy, Music, Musical, TV Movie
Director: Sofia Coppola
Actors: Amy Poehler, Bill Murray, David Johansen, Dimitri Dimitrov, George Clooney, Jenny Lewis, Michael Cera, Miley Cyrus, Paul Shaffer, Rashida Jones
Country: United States of America
Company: American Zoetrope, Departed Productions, South Beach Productions