Accidental Love
In this quirky romantic comedy, a small-town waitress, played by Jessica Biel, finds her life turned upside down after a freak accident leaves a nail lodged in her head, causing unpredictable behavior. This leads her to Washington, D.C., where she meets a charming but clueless congressman, portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal, who becomes an unlikely ally in her quest for healthcare reform. The film, directed by David O. Russell under the pseudonym Stephen Greene, explores themes of love, politics, and the absurdities of the healthcare system. Despite its star-studded cast, the movie did not receive any major awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David O. Russell
Actors: Catherine Keener, Jake Gyllenhaal, James Brolin, James Marsden, Jessica Biel, Kirstie Alley, Kurt Fuller, Malinda Williams, Paul Reubens, Tracy Morgan
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: K. JAM Media, Persistent Entertainment, Vocal Yokels
Worldwide Gross: $24,487