Set against the backdrop of the 2008 financial crisis, this film explores the lives of a group of affluent teenagers in Long Island, New York, as they navigate the complexities of wealth, privilege, and identity. The story follows Fisher Miller, played by Ben Rosenfield, a young photographer who becomes entangled in the opulent yet superficial world of his wealthy relatives. The film features performances by Nicola Peltz and Gregg Sulkin, adding depth to the portrayal of youthful excess and moral ambiguity. Directed by Kevin Asch, the movie offers a poignant commentary on the era’s socio-economic issues. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Kevin Asch
Actors: Adriane Lenox, Ben Rosenfield, Carla Quevedo, Danny Burstein, Grant Gustin, Gregg Sulkin, Nicola Peltz, Nicola Peltz Beckham, Roger Rees, Samantha Mathis, Valentina de Angelis
Country: United States of America
Company: Lookbook Films, M.E.G.A. Films