After the Dark
In this thought-provoking film directed by John Huddles, a group of philosophy students at an international school in Jakarta are challenged by their teacher, played by James D’Arcy, to engage in a series of hypothetical scenarios about a nuclear apocalypse. The students, including stars like Sophie Lowe and Rhys Wakefield, must decide who among them should be saved to rebuild society, leading to intense debates and moral dilemmas. The film explores themes of ethics, survival, and human nature, offering a unique blend of intellectual discourse and dramatic tension. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: John Huddles
Actors: Abhi Sinha, Bonnie Wright, Daryl Sabara, Freddie Stroma, George Blagden, Jacob Artist, James D'Arcy, Katie Findlay, Rhys Wakefield, Sophie Lowe
Country: Indonesia, United States of America
Company: An Olive Branch Productions, SCTV, Soundplace
Worldwide Gross: $1,770,376