Age of Heroes
Set during World War II, this film follows the formation of the 30 Commando Unit, a precursor to the modern-day SAS, as they embark on a dangerous mission behind enemy lines. Led by the determined Major Jack Jones, played by Sean Bean, the team must navigate treacherous terrain and enemy forces to complete their objective. The movie, directed by Adrian Vitoria, features a strong cast including Danny Dyer and James D’Arcy. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers a gripping portrayal of wartime heroism and camaraderie. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, War
Director: Adrian Vitoria
Actors: Danny Dyer, Erik Madsen, Izabella Miko, James D'Arcy, John Dagleish, Rosie Fellner, Sean Bean, Sebastian Street, William Houston
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Atlantic Swiss Productions, Giant Films, Panaramic