Set in 19th-century Spain, this psychological thriller follows the story of a young woman named Joana Prats, who suffers from a rare neurological disorder that distorts her perception of reality. As she becomes entangled in a web of industrial espionage, her condition makes her the unwitting key to a dangerous conspiracy. Directed by Eugenio Mira, the film features standout performances from stars like Eduardo Noriega and Bárbara Goenaga. While it didn’t receive major awards, the film is noted for its unique premise and atmospheric cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Eugenio Mira
Actors: Bárbara Goenaga, Eduardo Noriega, Félix Gómez, Jack Taylor, Martina Gedeck, Sergi Mateu
Country: Spain
Company: Roxbury, Telecinco Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $822,778