Alex Cross
In this 2012 crime thriller directed by Rob Cohen, audiences follow the intense journey of a detective and psychologist as he tracks down a ruthless serial killer. The film stars Tyler Perry in a dramatic departure from his usual roles, showcasing his versatility alongside Matthew Fox, who delivers a chilling performance as the antagonist. The narrative unfolds with gripping suspense and action, as the protagonist’s personal and professional lives collide in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a thrilling experience for fans of the genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 19
Genre: Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Rob Cohen
Actors: Carmen Ejogo, Chad Lindberg, Cicely Tyson, Edward Burns, Giancarlo Esposito, Jean Reno, John C. McGinley, Matthew Fox, Rachel Nichols, Tyler Perry
Country: France, United States of America
Company: Block / Hanson, Emmett/Furla Oasis Films, Emmett/Furla/Oasis Films (EFO Films), James Patterson Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $34,618,867