All-Star Superman
In this animated adaptation, Superman faces his greatest challenge yet after a rescue mission near the sun leaves him overpowered and dying. As he grapples with his mortality, he must complete a series of Herculean tasks to save Earth and leave a lasting legacy. Directed by Sam Liu, the film features the voice talents of James Denton, Christina Hendricks, and Anthony LaPaglia. This engaging narrative explores themes of heroism and sacrifice, and it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Sam Liu
Actors: Alexis Denisof, Anthony LaPaglia, Arnold Vosloo, Christina Hendricks, Ed Asner, Edward Asner, Frances Conroy, James Denton, John DiMaggio, Linda Cardellini, Matthew Gray Gu, Matthew Gray Gubler
Country: United States of America
Company: DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Premiere