Altered Minds
In this psychological thriller, a family gathers to celebrate the birthday of their patriarch, Dr. Nathaniel Shellner, played by Judd Hirsch. As the evening unfolds, long-buried secrets and psychological traumas resurface, leading to intense confrontations and revelations. The film delves into themes of memory, identity, and the impact of past traumas on family dynamics. Directed by Michael Z. Wechsler, the movie features strong performances, particularly from Hirsch, and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Director: Michael Z. Wechsler
Actors: C.S. Lee, Caroline Lagerfelt, Dennis Flanagan, Jaime Ray Newman, Jake Miller, Joseph Lyle Taylor, Judd Hirsch, Lily Pilblad, Marilyn Chris, Ryan O'Nan
Country: United States of America
Company: mKarma Productions, Rowish Entertainment, Rowish Productions