American Beauty
In this critically acclaimed film directed by Sam Mendes, the story delves into the seemingly perfect suburban life of Lester Burnham, played by Kevin Spacey, who experiences a profound midlife crisis. As he becomes disillusioned with his mundane existence, Lester embarks on a journey of self-discovery that challenges societal norms and exposes the hidden tensions within his family. The film also stars Annette Bening and Thora Birch, offering a compelling exploration of themes such as beauty, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. It received numerous accolades, including five Academy Awards, highlighting its impact and resonance. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 19
Genre: Drama, Oscar Winners, Top250Movies
Director: Sam Mendes
Actors: Alison Faulk, Allison Janney, Amber Smith, Annette Bening, Ara Celi, Barry Del Sherman, Brenda Wehle, Bruce Cohen, Carolina Lancaster, Chekesha Van Putten, Chelsea Hertford, Chris Cooper, David C. Fisher, Dennis Anderson, Elaine Corral Kendall, Emily Zachary, Erin Cathryn Strubbe, Hal Fort Atkinson, Heather Joy Sher, Joel McCrary, John Cho, Kent Faulcon, Kevin Spacey, Krista Goodsitt, Lily Houtkin, Lisa Cloud, Marissa Jaret Winokur, Matthew Kimbrough, Mena Suvari, Mona Leah, Nancy Anderson, Peter Gallagher, Reshma Gajjar, Sam Robards, Scott Bakula, Stephanie Rizzo, Sue Casey, Thora Birch, Tom Miller, Wes Bentley
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, DreamWorks Pictures, Jinks/Cohen Company
Worldwide Gross: $356,296,601