American Dreams In China
Set against the backdrop of China’s economic rise, this film follows the journey of three ambitious friends who start an English-language school that becomes a national success. The narrative explores themes of friendship, ambition, and the pursuit of the American dream within the context of modern China. Directed by Peter Ho-Sun Chan, the movie features standout performances from stars like Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, and Tong Dawei. While it did not receive major international awards, it was well-received for its engaging storytelling and cultural insights. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Peter Ho-Sun Chan
Actors: Daniel Martin Berkey, Deng Chao, Du Juan, Georg Anton, Huang Xiaoming, Liu Tianzuo, Tong Dawei, Tong Lei, Wang Zhener, Yang Yi
Country: China
Company: China Film Co., Ltd., Edko Films, Media Asia Films
Worldwide Gross: $87,097,067