American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt
In this action-packed martial arts film, a young American martial artist named Sean Davidson, played by David Bradley, finds himself embroiled in a dangerous plot involving a deadly virus. As he competes in a martial arts tournament, he uncovers a sinister conspiracy led by a villainous mastermind known as “The Cobra.” With the help of his friends, including Curtis Jackson, portrayed by Steve James, Sean must use his skills to thwart the evil plan. Directed by Cedric Sundstrom, this film continues the legacy of its predecessors with intense fight sequences and a gripping storyline. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Director: Cedric Sundstrom
Actors: Adrienne Pearce, Calvin Jung, David Bradley, Evan J. Klisser, Grant Preston, Marjoe Gortner, Michael Huff, Michele B. Chan, Steve James, Yehuda Efroni
Country: Canada, South Africa, United States of America
Company: Breton Film Productions, Cannon International, The Cannon Group
Worldwide Gross: $902,152