American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules
In this 2020 installment of the American Pie franchise, the focus shifts to a group of high school senior girls who band together to make the most of their final year. The film follows their journey as they navigate relationships, friendships, and personal growth, all while setting their own rules for empowerment and fun. Directed by Mike Elliott, the movie features a cast including Madison Pettis and Lizze Broadway. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers a fresh perspective on the classic coming-of-age comedy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 28
Director: Mike Elliott
Actors: Camaron Engels, Christian Valderrama, Darren Barnet, Jeannie Elise Mai, Lily Bleu Andrew, Lizze Broadway, Madison Pettis, Natasha Behnam, Piper Curda, Rasheda Crockett, Sara Rue, Stephanie Wong, Zachary Gordon, Zayne Emory
Country: United States of America
Company: Capital Arts Entertainment, Universal 1440 Entertainment