Set against the picturesque backdrop of Ibiza in the early 1990s, this film explores the unlikely friendship between a young German DJ and an older woman who has lived in solitude for decades. As their relationship deepens, secrets from the past emerge, challenging their perceptions and understanding of each other. Directed by Barbet Schroeder, the film delves into themes of memory, identity, and reconciliation. The movie stars Marthe Keller and Max Riemelt, whose performances bring depth to this introspective narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Barbet Schroeder
Actors: Bruno Ganz, Corinna Kirchhoff, Eva Barceló, Fèlix Pons, Fermí Reixach, Florentín Groll, Lluís Altés, Marie Leuenberger, Marthe Keller, Max Riemelt
Country: France, Switzerland
Company: Arte France Cinéma, Les Films du Losange, Vega Film
Worldwide Gross: $8,700