An American Crime
Set in the 1960s, this harrowing drama explores the true story of a young girl, Sylvia Likens, who endures unimaginable abuse while under the care of a seemingly ordinary housewife, Gertrude Baniszewski. The film stars Ellen Page and Catherine Keener, whose performances bring depth to this chilling narrative. Directed by Tommy O’Haver, the movie delves into themes of cruelty and neglect, leaving a lasting impact on its audience. While it did not receive major awards, it remains a poignant exploration of human darkness. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, Horror
Director: Tommy O'Haver
Actors: Ari Graynor, Bradley Whitford, Catherine Keener, Elliot Page, Hannah Leigh, Hayley McFarland, Nick Searcy, Romy Rosemont, Scout Taylor-Compton, Tristan Jarred
Country: United States of America
Company: First Look International, Killer Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,306,875