Anastasia: Once Upon a Time
In this imaginative reimagining of a historical tale, a young Russian princess finds herself transported through time to the 1980s, where she must navigate a new world while evading a sinister sorcerer. The film features performances by Emily Carey and Amiah Miller, bringing a fresh perspective to the classic story. Directed by Blake Harris, the movie offers a blend of adventure and fantasy, appealing to a family audience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Director: Blake Harris
Actors: Amiah Miller, Armando Gutiérrez, Brandon Routh, Claire Crosby, Donna Murphy, Emily Carey, Jo Koy, Kendall Vertes, Lee Tae-ri, Shaia Lipnik, Shanna Collins
Country: United States of America
Company: Conglomerate Media, Swen Group, Swen Studios