Angela’s Christmas
Set in Ireland during the early 20th century, this heartwarming animated film follows a young girl named Angela who embarks on a mission to ensure everyone has a warm and safe Christmas. The story beautifully captures themes of compassion and family, as Angela’s innocent intentions lead to unexpected adventures. The film features the voice talents of Ruth Negga and Lucy O’Connell, adding depth to its charming narrative. Directed by Damien O’Connor, it is based on a story by Frank McCourt. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 14
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family, Holiday Animation
Director: Damien O'Connor
Actors: Brian Gleeson, Des Nealon, Don Wycherley, Janet Moran, Lucy O'Connell, Malachy McCourt, Pat Kinevane, Ruth Negga
Company: Brown Bag Films