Anger Management
In this 2003 comedy directed by Peter Segal, a mild-mannered businessman, played by Adam Sandler, finds his life turned upside down after a misunderstanding leads to a court order for anger management therapy. The therapy is led by an unconventional and eccentric therapist, portrayed by Jack Nicholson, whose methods are as unpredictable as they are humorous. The film explores themes of self-discovery and personal growth amidst a backdrop of comedic chaos. While it did not receive any major awards, the chemistry between Sandler and Nicholson is a highlight. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Peter Segal
Actors: Adam Sandler, Allen Covert, Jack Nicholson, January Jones, Jonathan Loughran, Krista Allen, Kurt Fuller, Luis Guzmán, Lynne Thigpen, Marisa Tomei
Country: United States of America
Company: Anger Management LLC, Happy Madison Productions, Revolution Studios
Worldwide Gross: $195,745,823