Set during the Great Depression, this musical film follows the heartwarming journey of a spirited young orphan who dreams of finding a family. Her life takes a turn when she is chosen to spend time with a wealthy industrialist, leading to unexpected adventures and challenges. The film features standout performances by Albert Finney and Carol Burnett, with Aileen Quinn in the titular role. Directed by John Huston, it captures the essence of hope and resilience. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: John Huston
Actors: Aileen Quinn, Albert Finney, Ann Reinking, Bernadette Peters, Carol Burnett, Geoffrey Holder, Roger Minami, Rosanne Sorrentino, Tim Curry, Toni Ann Gisondi
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Columbia Pictures, Rastar Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $57,063,861