Aquarium of the Dead
In this thrilling horror film directed by Glenn Miller, a marine biology facility becomes the epicenter of chaos when an experimental serum inadvertently brings aquatic creatures back to life as terrifying undead predators. The movie stars Vivica A. Fox, who leads a group of survivors in a desperate fight for survival against the monstrous sea life. While the film has not received any notable awards, it offers a unique twist on the zombie genre by setting the action in an aquarium. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Glenn Miller
Actors: Anna Telfer, Anthony Jensen, Brandon Lee W., D.C. Douglas, Erica Duke, Eva Ceja, Jeffery Thomas Johnson, Madeleine Falk, Robert Contrado, Vivica A. Fox
Country: United States of America
Company: The Asylum