Arthur Miller: Writer
“Arthur Miller: Writer” is a documentary that offers an intimate portrait of the renowned playwright Arthur Miller, directed by his daughter, Rebecca Miller. The film delves into Miller’s life and career, exploring his personal and professional journey through a blend of interviews, archival footage, and personal insights. It provides a unique perspective on the man behind iconic works such as “Death of a Salesman” and “The Crucible,” highlighting his influence on American theater and culture. The documentary does not boast any major awards but is notable for its personal connection to its subject. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Documentary
Director: Rebecca Miller
Actors: Arthur Miller, Clark Gable, Elia Kazan, J. Edgar Hoover, Joan Allen, Joan Copeland, John Guare, John Huston, Lyndon B. Johnson, Peter Falk
Country: United States of America
Company: HBO Documentary Films, Round Films