At the Sinatra Club
Set in the gritty underworld of 1970s New York, this film follows a young John Gotti as he navigates the treacherous path to becoming a notorious mob boss. The story unfolds around a high-stakes poker game at a clandestine club, where alliances are tested and loyalties are questioned. With a cast featuring Danny Nucci and Michael Nouri, the film offers a glimpse into the early days of organized crime. Directed by James Quattrochi, it captures the tension and allure of the era. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Biography, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: James Quattrochi
Actors: Adam Gifford, Andy Davoli, Brooke Lewis Bellas, Danny Nucci, Ellen Hollman, Jason Gedrick, Jeremy Luke, Joey Lawrence, Leo Rossi, Mark Belasco, Michael Nouri
Country: United States of America
Company: San Pietro Productions, Ubatz Productions, United Pacific Studios