Atari: Game Over
This documentary, directed by Zak Penn, delves into the infamous urban legend surrounding the mass burial of unsold video game cartridges in a New Mexico landfill. It explores the rise and fall of Atari, once a titan in the gaming industry, and the impact of the critically panned E.T. video game. Featuring interviews with key figures from the era, including Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell, the film provides a fascinating look at a pivotal moment in gaming history. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Documentary
Director: Zak Penn
Actors: Andrew Reinhard, Ernest Cline, Howard Scott Warshaw, Joe Lewandowski, Manny Gerard, Mike Mika, Nolan Bushnell, Paul Sanchez, Raiford Guins, Seamus Blackley
Country: United States of America
Company: Fuel Entertainment USA, GRAiNEY Pictures, Lightbox