Baby Blues
On a scorching summer day in a small French village, a construction worker stumbles upon the remains of an infant and alerts the authorities. Detective Jacques Deveure, portrayed by Vincent Winterhalter, is assigned to lead the inquiry. As he delves deeper, he uncovers a web of dubious activities, exposing the hidden aspects of the personal lives of several individuals, including Grandier (played by Francois Berleand) and Blandine Piancet (played by Audrey Tautou). This intricate narrative consistently reveals unexpected developments.
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Genre: Undefined
Director: Paule Zajdermann
Actors: Audrey Tautou, Brigitte Roüan, François Berléand, Frédéric Gorny, Jean-Marie Frin, Laura del Sol, Nicolas Silberg, Stéphane Bisson, Stéphane Jobert, Vincent Winterhalter
Country: France
Company: France 3