Back Soon
“Back Soon” explores themes of love, loss, identity, and hope through the evolving relationship between Logan Foster, an aspiring actor, and Gil Ramirez, a former drug dealer. Despite their different backgrounds and initial belief that they are both straight, the two men feel an undeniable attraction to each other. However, their growing connection is jeopardized by Gil’s enigmatic past and a shocking discovery about the real nature of their relationship. Both men are unprepared for these revelations and the profound effect they will have on their lives.
Views: 4
Director: Rob Williams
Actors: A.C. Earing, Artie O'Daly, Bethany Dotson, Danny Aguirre, Jake Christian, Joel Bryant, Kelly Keaton, Maggie McCollester, Matthew Montgomery, Windham Beacham
Country: United States of America
Company: Guest House Films