In this apocalyptic horror tale, a deranged individual releases a biological weapon capable of eradicating all life on the planet. As the deadly, flesh-consuming bacteria rapidly spreads, people begin to perish en masse, prompting the deployment of a covert military unit to contain the epidemic. However, the lunatic’s plan might prevail, as the infection has already gained unstoppable momentum by the time the specialists intervene. The film features performances by Alison Whitney, Benjamin Kanes, Miya Sagara, and Andrew Kranz.
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Genre: Action, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Brett Piper
Actors: A.J. Khan, Alison Whitney, Andrew Kranz, Benjamin Kanes, Chuck McMahon, Jessica Day, Miya Sagara, Rob Monkiewicz, Shelley Dague, Tom Cikoski
Country: United States of America
Company: E.I. Independent Cinema