Bad Ass
In this action-comedy film directed by Craig Moss, Danny Trejo stars as Frank Vega, a Vietnam War veteran who becomes an unlikely hero after a viral video captures him standing up to thugs on a bus. As he gains local fame, Vega takes it upon himself to clean up his neighborhood, leading to a series of confrontations with corrupt officials and criminals. The film is inspired by real-life events and showcases Trejo’s charismatic performance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama
Director: Craig Moss
Actors: Charles S. Dutton, Danny Trejo, Danny Woodburn, Harrison Page, John Duffy, Joyful Drake, Patrick Fabian, Richard Riehle, Ron Perlman, Tonita Castro, Winter Ave Zoli
Country: United States of America
Company: Amber Lamps, Silver Nitrate