Bad Kids Go To Hell
In this darkly comedic thriller, six students from a prestigious prep school find themselves in detention on a stormy Saturday. As the day unfolds, strange and sinister events begin to occur, leading the group to suspect that they are not alone and that a malevolent force may be at play. The film features Judd Nelson, known for his role in “The Breakfast Club,” adding a nostalgic touch for fans of 80s cinema. Directed by Matthew Spradlin, the movie combines elements of horror and mystery, keeping viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Matthew Spradlin
Actors: Ali Faulkner, Amanda Alch, Ben Browder, Cameron Deane Stewart, Chanel Ryan, Eloise DeJoria, Judd Nelson, Marc Donato, Mike Gassaway, Roger Edwards
Country: United States of America
Company: Bad Kids, BKGTH Productions, Spiderwood Studios