Bad Trip
In this hidden-camera comedy, two best friends embark on a cross-country road trip filled with outrageous pranks and unexpected encounters. The film stars Eric André, Lil Rel Howery, and Tiffany Haddish, who deliver performances that blend scripted comedy with real-life reactions from unsuspecting bystanders. Directed by Kitao Sakurai, the movie cleverly combines narrative storytelling with candid camera antics, creating a unique viewing experience. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it stands out for its innovative approach to comedy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Kitao Sakurai
Actors: Allan Graf, Eric André, Gerald Espinoza, Kaleila Johnson, Kevin Cassidy, Lil Rel Howery, Michael Starr, Michaela Conlin, Tiffany Haddish, Yvette Tucker
Country: United States of America
Company: Bron Studios, Creative Wealth Media Finance, Orion Pictures