In this 2021 comedy directed by Marcos Bucay, two millennial slackers, played by Aldo Escalante and Ricardo Polanco, find themselves in a whirlwind of unexpected success after accidentally creating a revolutionary app during a night of partying. As they navigate the chaotic world of tech startups, they must confront the challenges of newfound fame and fortune. The film humorously explores themes of ambition, friendship, and the unpredictable nature of success. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Marcos Bucay
Actors: Aldo Escalante, Fabrizio Santini, Germán Bracco, Giuseppe Gamba, Joaquín Ferreira, María Chacón, Natalia Téllez, Ricardo Polanco, Sebastián Zurita, Seo Ju Park
Country: Mexico
Company: Fosforescente, Happy Shop