In this 1997 comedy directed by Robert Townsend, two ambitious women from Georgia, played by Halle Berry and Natalie Desselle, embark on a journey to Los Angeles with dreams of opening a combination hair salon and soul food restaurant. Their adventure takes an unexpected turn when they become involved in a scheme that leads them to a wealthy man’s mansion, where they must navigate a world of luxury and deception. The film explores themes of friendship, ambition, and the pursuit of the American dream with a humorous twist. Notably, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Robert Townsend
Actors: Anthony Johnson, Bernie Mac, Halle Berry, Ian Richardson, Jonathan Fried, Luigi Amodeo, Martin Landau, Natalie Desselle-Reid, Pierre Edwards, Troy Byer
Country: United States of America
Company: Island Pictures, New Line Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $7,338,279