Barry Lyndon
Set in the 18th century, this film follows the rise and fall of an ambitious Irishman, Redmond Barry, who seeks to climb the social ladder through a series of adventures and misadventures across Europe. The narrative explores themes of ambition, love, and the pursuit of power, all captured through the meticulous and visually stunning cinematography that has become a hallmark of its director, Stanley Kubrick. The film stars Ryan O’Neal and Marisa Berenson, and it is renowned for its use of natural lighting and period-accurate settings. It won four Academy Awards, including Best Art Direction and Best Cinematography. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 20
Genre: Adventure, Drama, History, Romance, Top250Movies, War
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Actors: André Morell, Anthony Dawes, Anthony Herrick, Anthony Sharp, Arthur O'Sullivan, Barry Jackson, Bernard Hepton, Billy Boyle, David Morley, Diana Körner, Dominic Savage, Ferdy Mayne, Frank Middlemass, Frederick Schiller, Gay Hamilton, Geoffrey Chater, George Sewell, Godfrey Quigley, Hans Meyer, Hardy Krüger, Harry Towb, John Bindon, John Sharp, John Sullivan, Jonathan Cecil, Leon Vitali, Leonard Rossiter, Liam Redmond, Marie Kean, Marisa Berenson, Michael Hordern, Murray Melvin, Pat Laffan, Pat Roach, Patrick Dawson, Patrick Magee, Peter Cellier, Philip Stone, Roger Booth, Roy Spencer, Ryan O'Neal, Steven Berkoff, Wolf Kahler
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Hawk Films, Peregrine, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $279,084