Beat Street
Set against the vibrant backdrop of 1980s New York City, this film explores the burgeoning hip-hop culture through the lives of a group of young friends. The story follows their journey as they navigate the challenges of pursuing their dreams in breakdancing, DJing, and graffiti art. Featuring performances by Rae Dawn Chong and Guy Davis, the film captures the essence of a cultural movement that was just beginning to gain mainstream attention. Directed by Stan Lathan, it offers a snapshot of a pivotal moment in music and dance history. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Stan Lathan
Actors: Doug E. Fresh, Duane Jones, Guy Davis, Jon Chardiet, Kadeem Hardison, Leon W. Grant, Mary Alice, Rae Dawn Chong, Saundra Santiago, Shawn Elliott
Country: United States of America
Company: Orion Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $16,597,016