In this gripping South Korean crime thriller, a determined detective embarks on a relentless pursuit to dismantle a powerful drug cartel. As he delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he forms an uneasy alliance with a low-level member of the organization, leading to a tense and unpredictable journey. The film features standout performances from stars such as Cho Jin-woong and Ryu Jun-yeol, adding depth to its intense narrative. Directed by Lee Hae-young, the movie is a remake of the 2012 Hong Kong film “Drug War.” For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Lee Hae-young
Actors: Cha Seung-won, Cho Jin-woong, Jung Jun-won, Kang Seung-hyun, Kim Joo-hyuk, Kim Sung-ryung, Nam Moon-chul, Park Hae-jun, Ryu Jun-yeol, Seo Hyun-woo
Country: South Korea
Company: Yong Film
Worldwide Gross: $39,047,153