Belle and Sebastian
Set against the stunning backdrop of the French Alps during World War II, this heartwarming tale follows a young boy named Sebastian and his unlikely friendship with a large, misunderstood dog named Belle. As they embark on a series of adventures, they confront challenges and form a bond that transcends the turmoil of their surroundings. The film, directed by Nicolas Vanier, beautifully captures the essence of loyalty and courage. Notably, the movie features Félix Bossuet in the role of Sebastian, whose performance adds depth to the narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family
Director: Nicolas Vanier
Actors: Andreas Pietschmann, Dimitri Storoge, Félix Bossuet, Karine Adrover, Loïc Varraut, Margaux Chatelier, Mehdi El Glaoui, Paloma Palma, Tchéky Karyo, Urbain Cancelier
Country: France
Company: Epithète Films, Gaumont, Radar Films
Worldwide Gross: $38,065