In this gritty indie drama, two best friends, Woodrow and Aiden, spend their time building flamethrowers and weapons in anticipation of a global apocalypse. Their lives take a dramatic turn when Woodrow falls for a charismatic woman named Milly, leading to a tumultuous and destructive relationship. The film is notable for its raw, visceral storytelling and the unique homemade camera used by director Evan Glodell, which gives it a distinct visual style. While it didn’t win major awards, it gained a cult following for its innovative approach and intense performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Evan Glodell
Actors: Evan Glodell, Jessie Wiseman, Keghan Hurst, Rebekah Brandes, Tyler Dawson, Vincent Grashaw, Zack Kraus
Country: United States of America
Company: Coatwolf Productions
Worldwide Gross: $172,935