Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens
In this animated adventure, young Ben Tennyson finds himself facing a new set of challenges as he navigates the complexities of being a hero while dealing with the everyday struggles of a typical ten-year-old. The film features the voice talents of Tara Strong, Paul Eiding, and Meagan Smith, who bring the beloved characters to life. Directed by Victor Cook, the story delves into themes of responsibility and friendship as Ben encounters formidable alien adversaries. This action-packed film is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Animation, Family, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Victor Cook
Actors: Dee Bradley Baker, Jim Ward, Meagan Moore, Paul Eiding, Richard McGonagle, Richard Steven Horvitz, Steve Blum, Tara Strong
Country: India, Singapore, United States of America
Company: Image Production House, Monkey Punch Studio, Tiny Island Productions