In this 2018 crime thriller directed by Bobby Moresco, a disgraced former detective, played by Karl Urban, embarks on a relentless quest for justice after being framed for a crime he didn’t commit. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of corruption and conspiracy involving high-level government officials. The film also stars Sofia Vergara and Andy Garcia, adding star power to the intense narrative. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, the movie offers a gripping storyline for fans of the genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Bobby Moresco
Actors: Andy García, Grace Byers, Javier Molina, John Finn, Karl Urban, Patrick Brennan, Sofía Vergara, Tonya Cornelisse, Trai Byers, Vincent Spano
Country: Spain, United States of America
Company: AMBI Group, Deadly Codes Productions, Elipsis Capital
Worldwide Gross: $82,247