Bicycle Thieves
Set in post-World War II Rome, this poignant Italian neorealist film follows the struggles of Antonio Ricci, a poor man desperate to find work to support his family. When he finally secures a job that requires a bicycle, his hopes are dashed when the bicycle is stolen, leading him and his young son on a heart-wrenching quest to retrieve it. Directed by Vittorio De Sica, the film is renowned for its powerful depiction of poverty and human resilience. It won an honorary Academy Award and is often celebrated for its influence on the neorealism movement. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Drama, Top250Movies
Director: Vittorio De Sica
Actors: Carlo Jachino, Elena Altieri, Emma Druetti, Enzo Staiola, Gino Saltamerenda, Giulio Chiari, Lamberto Maggiorani, Lianella Carell, Michele Sakara, Vittorio Antonucci
Country: Italy
Company: Produzioni De Sica
Worldwide Gross: $451,336