Bird People
In this intriguing film directed by Pascale Ferran, the narrative unfolds around two strangers whose lives intersect in a Paris airport hotel. Josh Charles stars as an American businessman who experiences a life-altering epiphany, while Anaïs Demoustier plays a hotel maid with her own transformative journey. The film explores themes of freedom and escape, blending elements of magical realism with a contemplative pace. While it did not receive major awards, it was noted for its unique storytelling approach. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Pascale Ferran
Actors: Akéla Sari, Ali Ben Amar, Anaïs Demoustier, Anne Azoulay, Camélia Jordana, Coralie Majouga, Geoffrey Cantor, Hippolyte Girardot, Josh Charles, Mohand Saci, Radha Mitchell, Roschdy Zem, Taklyt Vongdara
Country: France
Company: Archipel 35, France 2 Cinéma, Titre et Structure Production
Worldwide Gross: $866,211