In this dark comedy, a suburban housewife, played by Marianna Palka, undergoes a bizarre transformation that forces her neglectful family to confront their dysfunctional dynamics. The film explores themes of identity and societal expectations with a unique blend of humor and horror. Jason Ritter and Jaime King deliver compelling performances as the husband and sister, respectively, adding depth to the narrative. Directed by Marianna Palka, the movie offers a satirical look at family life and mental health. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Director: Marianna Palka
Actors: Brighton Sharbino, Jaime King, Jason Maybaum, Jason Ritter, Kingston Foster, Liisa Lee, Marianna Palka, Martin Starr, Rio Mangini, Sol RodrĂguez
Country: United States of America
Company: Company X, Marvista Entertainment, SpectreVision
Worldwide Gross: $688